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Paymentwall отзывы - Комментарий №10

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Отзыв написал «Аноним»


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Можно выразить публичными цитатами самого великого СЕО: -"I like to fire people, to break them. Then when they are broken its much easier to brainwash them into corporate culture." -"It's very bad when people leave the company by their decision because it's uncontrolled process. It's much better to fire them in advance even if they work hard. This way you take control." -"Ukrainians are lazy and narrow minded", "Indians are liars", "Vietnamese are dog eaters", "Philippinos are passive and not pushy" и тут же "Ukrainians are racists." -"Duty trip is a priviledge even if you go to a distant country for a long period, live in the local office, work 24/7 and are not paid per diems" -"ARE YOU SLEEPING? (звонок в 2 часа ночи)" -"We are not paying high salaries because we provide extra stuff: food, office dog, etc" -"You should not have a personal life separate from your work life. Your work is your life." -"We should fire the cat because it is not entertaining employess, not performing well enough - she is sleeping all day". -"I am cooler than my friends because I am richer than all of them". -"We don't need a QA/tester - do you need a mommy to clean up your code? " -"You are stupid."

Paymentwall отзывы

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