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Городское такси - Комментарий №1

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Отзыв написал «eliashedberg»


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I used Городское такси for moving my things when I moved to a new apartment. They were only used for actually transporting the things from my old apartment to the new, the actual packing was done by me. They were very professional and helpful when I called and ordered the van + driver. They also called to confirm on the day they would do the transport. The driver was ok, he did not know quite how to go to the new place but that was not a big problem as Yandex maps told me this, including the best way to avoid traffic congestions. Nonetheless I would have expected a little more from the driver. However, the biggest turn-off was that the cargo space of the van had a layer of brownish dust in it. While I do expect a cargo space to be about a bit dirty, this was more than what was practical, as every box I placed in the cargo compartment took the dirt with it into my new place. It would have been easy to (a) clean the cargo space decently after the last use or (b) bring a broom to clean it when necessary. The driver noted my comment that it would be nice to have a cleaner broom but wasn’t sure they had a broom back at the garage (if I understood him correctly) and did not seem overly interested in keeping the cargo space clean. All in all a decent experience, professional but not all parts of the company have the attention to detail that one might wish for. I might use them again though and might also recommend them, depending on the situation.

Городское такси

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