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Pernod Ricard Ukraine отзывы - Комментарий №1

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Отзыв написал «Bataille d'Azincourt»


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Hello my uknown friends, I use to work in this company for a couple of years. If you don’t mind I will share my working experience with you.
First things first, you need a job, it’s time to do some searches on the Internet:) Finally you find your desired position in Pernod Ricard. What’s Pernod Ricard? It’s still under the veil of mystery. Then you are trying to know a little bit more about the company. Pernod Ricard is a French group… Wow… Amazing… Frankly, i mean no offence to any french man, living or dead, but a major part of western society refer to French people as wimps, sissies and cowards. The French people demonstrate cowardice not only in civil life but in business as well.To make a long story short,I am going to give only the basic facts. If you will join Pernod Ricard you will face:
1. Indecisive leadership. They send a «trash» from Europe on CEO positions.
2. High stuff turnover. You will get a misirable salary, but the company will invest millions in their brands. Because their brands is their value, not you. You just another employee.
3. Highly discourageable working environment. They will treat you like you are their slave. Be ready for unpaid overtime work. You are always number 2, cos they are number one. Whatever you say is wrong, whatever they say they is right.
4. Vague regulations. They will told you that the main goal is to make money. But nobody knows how to do it. Just put produscts on the shelfs and we will see, that’s their advice. If anything went wrong you will be always guilty.
CEO’s of the company get ridiculously high salaries and do not give a poo about «regular» guys. CEO’s turning a blind eye on internal problems.
«History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.»Martin Luther King, Jr.
Do not ruin your career. Avoid getting hired by PERNOD RICARD.

Pernod Ricard Ukraine отзывы

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